This I Believe
Global truths
We are all TEACHERS for one another
We are all in the BOAT together
We all have UNIQUE GIFTS to share with the World
Inner World
Peace is an INSIDE job
Exploring our INNER world (subconscious) unlocks the treasures waiting within
Our Soul holds the seed of our MEANING and PURPOSE
SLOWING DOWN is necessary to finding inner peace in this chaotic world
Sacred Light
We all have access to the CREATIVE SPARK of the Universe
LIGHT is the Alchemical Key
LOVE is always the answer
Walking the Middle Road is the key to BALANCE and Balance is the Key to Happiness
Steps for Simple Meditation
Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed and your spine reasonably straight.
Direct your attention to your breathing.
When thoughts, emotions, physical feelings or external sounds occur, simply accept them, giving them the space to come and go without judging or getting involved with them.
When you notice that your attention has drifted off and becomes engaged in thoughts or feelings, simply bring it back to your breathing and continue. Remember… it’s ok and natural for thoughts to arise, and for your attention to follow them.
No matter how many times this happens, just keep bringing your attention back to your breathing.
Meditation Resources
A simple APP for meditation is Meditation Time. Easy to use and visually appealing, the sound of the bell is gentle and it’s easy to use.
I’ve also heard great things about the APP Headspace. There is a free option and it would be a great beginning for your meditation practice.